1.   Some analysts express concern that the new systems will be less secure and incapable of doing donkey work like batch processing.

2.   The real donkey work was actually done by those guys.

3.   That will give him the chance to save his legs for the tougher battles to come ... and to reminisce quietly while younger men do the donkey work.

n. + work >>共 1751
construction 4.94%
police 2.89%
repair 2.89%
rescue 2.52%
maintenance 2.13%
charity 2.04%
relief 1.48%
restoration 1.30%
government 1.14%
community 1.12%
donkey 0.04%
donkey + n. >>共 47
cart 54.84%
ride 5.16%
meat 3.23%
work 2.58%
sanctuary 1.94%
trail 1.94%
boy 1.29%
champion 1.29%
excrement 1.29%
jitney 1.29%
每页显示:    共 4