1.   ...dog hairs on the carpet.

2.   There are dog hairs all over my coat.

3.   I might be allergic to dog hair.

4.   Arlene Graham spins dog hair into yarn.

5.   Before the game against the Mets, she rubbed the dog hair on the chests and legs of her players.

6.   He reached up into the upper guts of the furnace and removed two air filters that looked like panels of dog hair and dirt.

7.   I can tolerate a car that is upholstered in dog hair, but I draw the line at human viscera.

8.   Officials discounted claims that spilled drinks, dirt, dog hair and other contaminants could be causing the buckle problems.

9.   She has encountered many closet horrors, from dust to dog hair to organizational nightmares.

10.   She was covered in dog hair.

n. + hair >>共 214
body 8.50%
shoulder-length 8.14%
slicked-back 5.84%
nose 2.83%
angel 2.48%
dog 2.48%
jet 2.30%
chest 2.12%
goat 1.77%
trademark 1.77%
dog + n. >>共 501
owner 8.53%
food 7.57%
meat 5.40%
show 3.28%
team 2.75%
bite 2.12%
walker 1.96%
lover 1.91%
fight 1.91%
track 1.80%
hair 0.74%
每页显示:    共 14