1.   And doing it well.

2.   Analysts said then that the company was generally doing well, despite a slump in the domestic tobacco industry.

3.   And Grant is alive and doing well.

4.   And doing it well for most of the game.

5.   And, if they are doing their job well, they should win.

6.   ABC, though doing exceptionally well financially, earned a record low number of Emmy nominations this year.

7.   But the Fourstar family of New York-bred turf stars is doing quite well, thank you.

8.   It is still alive and doing well.

9.   Of course, stand-up is still alive and, in fact, doing well in places that allow for alternatives to the unwritten rules that governed it for years.

10.   The evidence suggests that Asian Americans are doing quite well in the commercial world and on academic campuses.

v. + well >>共 32
do 25.86%
play 12.07%
stir 5.17%
blend 3.45%
brooding 3.45%
mix 3.45%
perform 3.45%
beat 1.72%
breastfeeding 1.72%
collect 1.72%
do + v. >>共 281
be 40.15%
require 4.67%
make 2.46%
seem 1.78%
help 1.70%
have 1.44%
mean 1.36%
well 1.27%
work 1.10%
take 1.02%
每页显示:    共 15