1.   The bulk of this increase comes from families headed by a lone woman and, most often, a divorced woman.

2.   They are also more prone to profess unhappiness than divorced women.

3.   This is due inpart to rising divorce rates, but also because remarriage rates among divorced women have fallen in recent years.

4.   You know, this divorced woman, you know!

5.   And divorced women would retain rights to assets jointly accumulated in personal investment accounts during a marriage of any duration.

6.   And others hoped to erase their status because they wanted to marry divorced women and had been taught that Cohanim were forbidden to do so.

7.   As a divorced black woman with three children to support, Hill appreciated the opportunity.

8.   As the novel opens, he is auditioning a potential student, Lydia, a recently divorced woman with a small son.

9.   At Park Avenue tea parties, the popular theory is that a divorced woman has five years from the time her settlement comes through to meet the next husband.

10.   At Yale, where he earned a Ph.D., he left the priesthood to marry a divorced woman with six children.

a. + woman >>共 732
young 13.78%
pregnant 4.49%
the 3.65%
first 3.19%
black 2.71%
american 2.65%
elderly 2.51%
old 1.83%
older 1.67%
white 1.58%
divorced 0.17%
divorced + n. >>共 75
mother 13.92%
father 13.70%
parent 12.85%
woman 11.78%
man 8.14%
people 6.85%
couple 4.93%
dad 2.57%
family 2.57%
spouse 2.57%
每页显示:    共 55