1.   Mm divorced men of fifty five and upwards are bad news.

2.   Faulkner married his childhood sweetheart, but only after she had married and divorced a man with a supposedly brighter future.

3.   Instead, Aleman divorced the man and lost her foodstamps in September.

4.   It is a vision of how mankind would act if man was totally divorced from eternity. . . .

5.   Some have poor credit ratings because they have divorced men who have poor credit ratings.

v. + man >>共 638
arrest 8.70%
kill 7.52%
see 2.91%
identify 2.48%
shoot 2.47%
charge 2.34%
take 2.21%
detain 1.80%
injure 1.30%
find 1.26%
divorce 0.02%
divorce + n. >>共 80
wife 35.18%
husband 22.48%
father 1.95%
mother 1.95%
parent 1.95%
time 1.95%
court 1.63%
man 1.63%
woman 1.63%
couple 1.30%
每页显示:    共 5