1.   A third area where law has facilitated commercial activity is dispute settlement.

2.   The use of legal paths of dispute settlement reflects the much greater role of legal regulation of labour relations in the Spanish system than in Britain.

3.   MacLaren said Chile and Canada have agreed to begin working on a bilateral accord in mid-January that will encompass trade in goods, services investment and dispute settlement.

4.   Moreover, the Clinton administration said it would answer environmental concerns by trying to allow environmental groups to take part in dispute settlements at the World Trade Organization.

5.   Nassau County ratepayers will get larger rebates than those in Suffolk County, as part of a tax dispute settlement between Suffolk and LILCO.

6.   SquareTrade also offers dispute settlements with online retailers and often tries to make these retailers issue a gift certificate or credit to resolve a dispute.

7.   The agreement between the two countries will encompass trade in goods, services investment and dispute settlement.

8.   The other director is Roger Wolf, a law professor and head of the program on dispute settlement at the University of Maryland law school.

9.   A trade agreement will provide for establishment of a trade commission and disputes settlement, a Philippine government statement said.

10.   Both sides continue to disagree on competition policy with the United States and EU at odds over how dispute settlement might work in this area.

n. + settlement >>共 263
peace 40.71%
tobacco 9.46%
divorce 4.42%
class-action 2.74%
court 2.26%
cash 1.82%
contract 1.54%
lawsuit 1.49%
wage 1.49%
injury 1.44%
dispute 0.91%
dispute + n. >>共 106
resolution 16.29%
panel 15.61%
procedure 7.69%
center 5.43%
body 4.75%
settlement 4.30%
process 3.85%
mechanism 3.62%
rule 1.81%
committee 1.81%
每页显示:    共 19