1.   The information is then fed into a computer so that animators can bring the digital images to life as game characters.

2.   The later text, much darker in the picture than the earlier one, can then be edited out of this digital image.

3.   This is the place where the image is converted from light to a digital image in your camera.

4.   Want to experiment with digital images?

5.   You can transfer digital images from your camera to your computer.

6.   Because Landsat MSS and TM images are numerical in nature they are called digital images.

7.   The digital images held in the memory banks are converted to television signals which are displayed on the monitor.

8.   Methods of displaying and magnifying digital images were discussed in the preceding section.

9.   In this section a number of techniques of digital image processing which can be applied to Landsat TM and MSS images are described.

a. + image >>共 2049
public 4.07%
new 2.35%
video 2.30%
digital 2.13%
negative 1.55%
positive 1.21%
visual 1.01%
corporate 0.86%
popular 0.86%
first 0.78%
digital + n. >>共 1094
camera 8.39%
technology 5.54%
television 4.66%
signal 2.70%
music 2.24%
image 2.04%
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