1.   Although difficult in established businesses, an alternative is to re-create customer expectations rather than change the actuality.

2.   And one which found that its ambitious expansion plans were rather more difficult in practice than on paper.

3.   But discretion was difficult in his alcoholic state.

4.   For these reasons it is often difficult in many cases to trace a single primary source.

5.   It is, however, especially difficult in the history of modernism to reconnect abstract artists with nature.

6.   Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.

7.   On the final pitches the topo proves to be hopelessly inaccurate and route-finding difficult in the poor visibility.

8.   The extent to which life is difficult in old age is by no means all determined by nature.

9.   This does, however, prove so difficult in most cases that it is not recommended.

10.   This has become more difficult in recent years.

a. + in >>共 1080
involved 7.47%
born 4.61%
available 2.52%
active 2.03%
common 1.58%
alone 1.34%
high 1.19%
due 1.19%
popular 0.96%
successful 0.95%
difficult 0.22%
difficult + p. >>共 50
for 38.51%
to 25.78%
than 7.04%
in 7.01%
as 4.34%
because_of 3.57%
by 2.67%
on 2.03%
with 1.84%
without 1.24%
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