1.   A particularly dangerous trap in analysis has developed with the increasing use of computers in data analysis.

2.   A program plan should be developed with those involved in its implementation and should specify how the desired results will be achieved.

3.   A third series is being developed with the same objective.

4.   At that stage the engines were being developed with a manned Mrs mission in mind.

5.   He was rejecting Nancy in hopes that something better might develop with Lydia.

6.   Several new milk products are being developed with this goal in mind, and there are two notable entries in the field.

7.   The early industrial landscapes differed essentially from those that developed with steam-power.

8.   The questionnaire was developed with the advice of presidential scholars who study White House-Cabinet relations and the performance of Cabinet officers.

9.   Export processing zones were to be developed with World Bank and African Development Bank assistance.

10.   If a person develops these attributes over time, it must be possible for them to develop with practice in later life or through training.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
develop 0.16%
develop + p. >>共 88
in 30.36%
for 9.31%
over 8.50%
with 6.40%
as 5.39%
at 5.00%
across 3.39%
on 3.37%
between 3.21%
during 2.94%
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