1.   Another one, lutetium, helps destroy tumors by sensitizing them to radiation treatments.

2.   At Mass. General, however, surgeons used a combination of conventional radiation, surgery, and the intra-operative beam to destroy the tumor.

3.   Blocking the vessel generation is believed to slow or destroy tumors, by starving them of the significant blood flow they require.

4.   Her doctors said the only treatment that would keep her alive was a surgery that would destroy tumors by freezing them.

5.   Kirn said the trials so far had proved the concept that the mutant adenovirus could destroy tumors.

6.   The doctors soon discovered that the radiation therapy had not only destroyed the tumor.

7.   The DNA prompts the production of proteins on the surface of the tumor cells that activate the immune system to destroy the tumor.

8.   The seeds produce low-level X-rays that destroy tumors from the inside.

9.   The treatment destroyed their tumors, but also scorched healthy brain tissue, hastening their deaths.

10.   The trick in treating brain tumors is to remove or destroy the tumor without damaging adjacent normal brain tissue.

v. + tumor >>共 138
remove 17.57%
shrink 8.02%
have 6.92%
find 6.22%
detect 4.43%
develop 4.15%
treat 3.04%
discover 2.90%
kill 2.77%
destroy 2.35%
destroy + n. >>共 1432
house 4.05%
home 3.87%
document 2.68%
building 2.68%
weapon 2.66%
evidence 2.17%
car 1.68%
crop 1.57%
embryo 1.48%
vehicle 1.22%
tumor 0.18%
每页显示:    共 17