1.   Designers are pairing long jackets with sheath dresses, slender skirts and narrow pants for styles that transition easily from work to evening and special occasions.

2.   Most designers paired their tough-chic clothes with an equally powerful shoe.

3.   In yet another hot-cold twist, the designers pair lightweight chiffon with leather and wool.

4.   When designers throughout Fashion Week paired gowns incongruously with boots, Bloch, looking for a Grammys get-up for Courtney Love, envisioned instead pumps and diamonds.

n. + pair >>共 110
draw 3.01%
designer 3.01%
program 2.26%
dessert 1.50%
jacket 1.50%
deal 1.50%
blues 1.50%
bond 1.50%
event 1.50%
cheese 1.50%
designer + v. >>共 625
be 11.89%
have 5.14%
say 3.74%
show 2.76%
use 2.59%
take 1.69%
make 1.60%
seem 1.56%
come 1.44%
create 1.44%
pair 0.16%
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