1.   If the graph shows that the drift is random and small compared with the design tolerance on the piece part, no action need be taken.

2.   Design tolerances and warning, as distinct from action, lines on the chart are typical of such features.

3.   It should be well within its design tolerance.

n. + tolerance >>共 43
risk 32.08%
glucose 6.60%
pain 6.60%
design 4.72%
exercise 2.83%
fan 2.83%
herbicide 2.83%
alcohol 1.89%
government 1.89%
fault 1.89%
design + n. >>共 585
team 5.15%
change 3.87%
firm 3.44%
work 2.91%
flaw 2.59%
company 2.56%
process 2.27%
house 2.09%
studio 1.81%
problem 1.74%
tolerance 0.18%
每页显示:    共 5