1.   Although many questions remain to be answered, dermatologists said the studies were part of a new wave of drugs for a condition that has few effective treatments.

2.   A dermatologist said the purple marks on her chest were from sunbathing for too many years.

3.   But some dermatologists say that tanning accelerators simply diminish or even negate the benefits of the sunscreen and the antioxidants.

4.   Dermatologists say the best way to protect skin and prevent premature aging is to avoid going out into the sun without wearing sunscreen.

5.   Dermatologists say the finding confirms the long-held view that smoking ages skin prematurely.

6.   Dermatologists said that complications range from simple boils caused by germs on tattooing instruments to transmission of the herpes simplex virus and even hepatitis, a liver disease.

7.   Dermatologists say these nasty little flaws are easier to get rid of than most people might think.

8.   Dermatologists say the laser technology most commonly used in tattoo removal works best on black and blue but does not respond well to yellow, green and red.

9.   Dermatologists say that with a cheaper brand, you may be more likely to apply the product more liberally, which is better protection in the long run.

10.   Dermatologists say there is no evidence anyone can be harmed by it.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
dermatologist 0%
dermatologist + v. >>共 46
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