1.   Dental mercury is regulated only by general FDA labeling rules that apply to all medical products.

2.   Dental mercury is regulated only by general FDA labeling rules applying to all medical products.

3.   In the case of dental mercury, the manufacturers say, the FDA considered -- and rejected -- proposals for specific safety warnings.

4.   Last fall, a California congresswoman announced a bill to ban dental mercury nationwide.

5.   The dental mercury case revisited that same question, in the context of a specific state statute, rather than liability to state lawsuits.

6.   The dental mercury case revisited that question, in the context of a specific state statute, rather than liability to state lawsuits.

a. + mercury >>共 64
liquid 8.55%
metallic 5.98%
dental 5.13%
elevated 5.13%
poisonous 5.13%
elemental 4.27%
metal 4.27%
rising 4.27%
toxic 3.42%
airborne 2.56%
dental + n. >>共 213
record 16.04%
care 7.39%
work 5.46%
school 3.27%
surgery 3.19%
treatment 2.94%
office 2.43%
problem 2.43%
appointment 2.10%
practice 1.93%
mercury 0.50%
每页显示:    共 6