1.   A downsloping demand curve for the various resources.

2.   Again, we can expect long-term influences such as increasing income and wealth to cause a rightward shift of the demand curve.

3.   Although changes in performance arise as a result of supply side factors, they manifest themselves as shifts in demand curve.

4.   Different patterns of demand imply different demand curves for individual goods and services and determine different equilibrium prices and quantities.

5.   Each point on the demand curve shows what the individual would pay for the last unit of purer water.

6.   Graphically, the intersection of the supply curve and the demand curve for the product will indicate the equilibrium point.

7.   Its falling demand for bills is shown by an upward shift of the demand curve to.

8.   Problem of an unstable demand Accurate monetary control requires the authorities to be able to predict the demand curve for money.

9.   The market demand curve has increased.

10.   The simultaneous interaction of the membership demand curve and the wage demand curve determines equilibrium wages, membership, and employment.

n. + curve >>共 147
yield 27.00%
demand 5.03%
supply 4.84%
growth 4.66%
bell 3.35%
cost 2.79%
hairpin 2.79%
liquidity 2.05%
preference 2.05%
survival 1.86%
demand + n. >>共 321
side 5.80%
growth 4.04%
curve 3.64%
increase 3.10%
period 2.83%
management 1.75%
rise 1.48%
remains 1.48%
season 1.35%
attention 1.21%
每页显示:    共 27