1.   Cookie treats and tales of spice history are delicious ways to promote culinary history for children on vacation.

2.   How they misunderstood, lied, seduced, betrayed and made up in the most delicious ways.

3.   Looking for a delicious new way to use leftover sweet potatoes?

4.   Pine nuts are among the more notable supposed aphrodisiacs, and this is a delicious way to showcase them.

5.   Tackling a cooking class offers a delicious way to shed some unwanted stress.

6.   The locals all suggested Chigotai, an outdoor version of Faneuil Hall, filled with delicious ways to separate you from your hard-earned som.

7.   Today you will find a dozen delicious ways to extend the spirit of the season to whoever shows up at your door.

8.   What a delicious way to give new life to stale bread!

9.   Declare and seal your love in the most delicious way possible at Gourmet Corner.

a. + way >>共 634
only 8.78%
same 8.61%
long 7.68%
best 7.12%
different 4.15%
new 4.09%
the 1.98%
better 1.69%
wrong 1.58%
good 1.45%
delicious 0.02%
delicious + n. >>共 419
meal 3.92%
food 3.04%
irony 1.90%
smell 1.77%
sauce 1.77%
moment 1.65%
dinner 1.52%
dish 1.27%
result 1.14%
way 1.14%
每页显示:    共 9