1.   Because of the enormous computing power of modern microprocessors, this inquiry may produce definitive results before the end of the next decade.

2.   But his showcase projects, bailouts of automakers AZLK and ZiL, have cost the city dearly while failing to yield definitive results.

3.   By Tuesday night, definitive results in Washington and North Dakota had not been tallied.

4.   Counting was to begin Sunday night, but definitive results were not expected before Monday.

5.   Definitive results are expected to be announced on Wednesday.

6.   Definitive results were not available in those races.

7.   Definitive results are not expected before Monday.

8.   His measurements of changes in the average diameter of coronary arteries were so precise, he said, that he could see definitive results with just a few patients.

9.   Rines and others have combed the lake with sonar, strobe lights, and underwater cameras, with no definitive results.

10.   So far, there have been no definitive results.

a. + result >>共 679
final 7.18%
official 4.68%
preliminary 3.07%
positive 2.81%
financial 2.80%
mixed 2.77%
first 2.72%
good 2.35%
similar 2.24%
best 2.11%
definitive 0.32%
definitive + n. >>共 324
agreement 10.07%
answer 9.53%
result 3.77%
ruling 3.00%
statement 2.92%
evidence 2.77%
study 2.31%
decision 2.08%
proof 2.08%
conclusion 2.00%
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