1.   An old saying defines a recession as when your neighbor is laid off.

2.   As a simple rule of thumb, many people define a recession as two quarters of consecutive decline in the gross domestic product.

3.   As a more general rule of thumb, economists tend to define a recession as two consecutive quarterly declines in the gross domestic product.

4.   A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

5.   A recession is usually defined as at least two quarters in which the national output of goods and services declines.

6.   A recession is defined as a period of economic decline running six months or more, usually marked by shrinking sales and rising unemployment.

7.   A recession is often defined as two successive quarters of economic contraction.

8.   A recession is traditionally defined as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, and few economists question that the country is headed in that direction.

9.   A recession is usually defined as at least two quarters in which the national output of goods and services contracts.

10.   A recession usually is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.

v. + recession >>共 130
avoid 9.86%
define 8.80%
enter 5.61%
avert 5.61%
cause 4.70%
prevent 4.25%
blame 3.19%
trigger 2.73%
face 2.28%
weather 2.28%
define + n. >>共 1107
term 2.42%
role 2.28%
recession 1.71%
life 1.33%
career 1.18%
area 1.18%
terrorism 1.12%
character 1.09%
relationship 1.06%
limit 1.03%
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