1.   Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown, drain.

2.   Deep fry or pan fry until golden.

3.   Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.

4.   If you deep fry, it cooks too fast.

5.   Deep fry till golden brown.

6.   Deep fry after dipping into beaten egg.

7.   Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown and cooked through.

8.   Deep fry in hot oil until golden in colour.

9.   Slowly bring the oil to boil and deep fry the feet till golden brown.

a. + fry >>共 67
deep 9.09%
new 6.06%
smaller 6.06%
curly 5.05%
crispy 3.03%
frozen 2.02%
large 2.02%
fresh 2.02%
best 2.02%
indian 2.02%
deep + n. >>共 742
breath 6.38%
cut 3.86%
concern 2.26%
division 2.08%
trouble 1.87%
water 1.79%
discount 1.52%
root 1.50%
recession 1.26%
snow 1.14%
fry 0.09%
每页显示:    共 9