1.   State workers are being paid because of previous court decisions declaring it unfair to withhold their pay during budget impasses.

2.   While the guilty verdicts against all four defendants on trial pleased many Kenyans, officials of the Taliban declared them unfair and said they would not extradite bin Laden.

3.   They have threatened to resume hostilities suspended in January if the ballot is declared unfair.

4.   The pair have issued a writ in a bid to have current drug testing procedures declared unfair.

v. + unfair >>共 12
call 32.29%
consider 20.83%
think 12.50%
deem 10.42%
make 8.33%
declare 4.17%
judge 4.17%
find 3.13%
believe 1.04%
cut 1.04%
declare + a. >>共 313
dead 9.06%
bankrupt 7.87%
unconstitutional 6.69%
illegal 6.55%
ineligible 4.58%
invalid 3.10%
off-limits 3.05%
ready 3.00%
unfit 2.76%
eligible 2.56%
unfair 0.20%
每页显示:    共 4