1.   At the end of March, hours after an American-imposed deadline had passed, Yugoslav authorities at last followed through.

2.   A deadline had to be met.

3.   But because the commission is not yet final, that deadline might have to be pushed back, Lewis said.

4.   But historically, that deadline has had little meaning.

5.   But he added that the extended deadline would have to stand.

6.   But the earlier deadlines have their own problems.

7.   Button said the deadline will likely have to be extended in order to get the job done properly.

8.   However, the deadline may have less significance than is generally understood.

9.   Pressure is mounting because certain filing deadlines may have to be met.

10.   The approaching strike deadline has increased support for presidential action in Congress.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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deadline 0.01%
deadline + v. >>共 139
be 36.90%
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expire 7.52%
approach 4.54%
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loom 2.84%
near 1.69%
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