1.   A day or two later we were enlightened - Dagbladdet is the name of the daily paper.

2.   But Conservative and Labour partisans who disagreed about the bias in their daily papers were reading different papers.

3.   Concentration of ownership increased both within particular media, from national daily papers to local radio, and between them.

4.   Even the most undistinguished daily papers are now written at an estimated tenth grade level.

5.   I sometimes read my horoscope in the daily paper.

6.   No fewer than twenty-two countries were without any printed daily paper whatsoever.

7.   Reports in the daily papers said this was legal.

8.   The daily paper ran job ads.

9.   The daily papers teemed with the dreary records of secession....

10.   The Wall Street Journal boasts the largest daily paper circulation, a little less than two million.

a. + paper >>共 1199
local 6.14%
brown 3.07%
legal 2.11%
daily 1.97%
new 1.64%
scientific 1.46%
recycled 1.45%
false 1.41%
wrapping 1.30%
the 1.16%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
paper 0.90%
每页显示:    共 108