1.   Add cucumber slices, return to a boil and remove from heat.

2.   Hinderstein has one customer who insists on having her carrots sliced in one direction and her cucumbers sliced in the other.

3.   In large bowl, toss cucumber slices with salt.

4.   Lay cucumber slices on plate and sprinkle with vinegar.

5.   On a cutting board, slice cucumber in half lengthwise.

6.   Place cucumber slices in a salad bowl.

7.   Serve cold, garnished with reserved mint leaves and cucumber slices.

8.   Squeeze cucumber slices, a handful at a time, to eliminate as much liquid as possible and place in small mixing bowl.

9.   To add textural and color interest, garnish each sandwich with alfalfa or radish sprouts, tomato and cucumber slices.

n. + slice >>共 214
bread 5.48%
cucumber 2.59%
eggplant 2.02%
potato 1.73%
tomato 1.73%
onion 1.73%
cut 1.73%
beef 1.44%
ball 1.44%
lemon 1.44%
cucumber + v. >>共 22
be 27.50%
slice 22.50%
add 2.50%
appear 2.50%
become 2.50%
come 2.50%
dry 2.50%
encumber 2.50%
fling 2.50%
get 2.50%
每页显示:    共 9