1.   The crowd stirred in expectation and a chatter of conversation flickered around the ground accompanied by the stamping of cold feet.

2.   The crowd stirred and became involved.

3.   As Bucevski and Widjaja discussed the media encampment, the crowd stirred.

4.   The crowd stirred, but Colon stayed calm.

5.   The crowd stirred.

6.   The Dodger Stadium crowd stirred.

7.   The crowd stirs.

8.   They did, the Mavericks made it interesting by flubbing a few free throws, and the close game caused the crowd to stir a bit.

9.   That may explain why the crowd barely stirred in the fourth quarter when Blaylock, Jamison and Porter each made several tough shots to keep the Warriors ahead.

10.   The sparse crowd stirred when Andre Agassi walked onto stadium court late in the afternoon to practice.

n. + stir >>共 464
case 4.16%
breeze 1.76%
issue 1.51%
wind 1.51%
crowd 1.39%
report 1.26%
film 1.13%
proposal 1.13%
move 1.01%
creature 1.01%
crowd + v. >>共 814
be 14.88%
gather 5.98%
roar 3.24%
cheer 3.18%
begin 2.46%
go 2.09%
boo 1.70%
disperse 1.59%
give 1.47%
grow 1.36%
stir 0.14%
每页显示:    共 11