1.   It used to be said in World War Two that careless talk cost lives.

2.   Grounding First Air will inevitably cost lives.

3.   And a botched arrest that costs the lives of US soldiers could lay the Clinton administration open to Republican attacks.

4.   According to police, that may be exactly what cost Montgomery his life Wednesday night.

5.   Bubuteishvili insists that the moratorium has not cost any lives.

6.   But human error and arrogance also cost lives.

7.   For the most part, the price consumers are paying is inconvenience, but there is concern that scarce medications will cost lives.

8.   Forsyth argued for greater debt forgiveness from Western nations toward Africa, contending the massive debt not only is a financial burden but is costing human lives.

9.   Gov. Mario Cuomo had opposed the measure because of fears it would cost lives.

10.   Graham, the organ network official, predicted that giving priority to the sickest patients would actually cost lives, because more patients would need second and third transplants.

v. + life >>共 671
save 9.81%
live 4.34%
change 4.24%
face 2.72%
risk 2.57%
have 2.50%
take 2.50%
claim 2.46%
improve 1.89%
lose 1.85%
cost 0.50%
cost + n. >>共 402
money 10.63%
million 8.72%
hundred 7.53%
thousand 5.50%
job 4.90%
billion 4.57%
lot 4.42%
ten 3.48%
life 3.29%
company 2.21%
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