1.   Malnutrition was considered to have been a contributory cause of death.

2.   A major contributory cause of many recent accidents has been shown to be management failure.

3.   As well as identifying the contributory causes of a specific disaster, it is important to look at the positive actions taken afterwards.

4.   The plaintiff had to prove that the breach of duty was at least a material contributory cause of the harm.

5.   On the same basis, they said, they also believed the injection was a contributory cause of death.

a. + cause >>共 776
natural 5.78%
leading 5.43%
possible 4.88%
exact 4.19%
main 4.14%
common 3.97%
major 3.90%
good 3.23%
palestinian 2.81%
likely 2.76%
contributory 0.08%
contributory + n. >>共 12
negligence 45.05%
factor 34.07%
cause 6.59%
infringement 4.40%
pension 2.20%
benefit 1.10%
case 1.10%
component 1.10%
discipline 1.10%
insurance 1.10%
每页显示:    共 6