1.   Government expenditure, through provision of better living conditions and health care for the elderly, has itself contributed towards this.

2.   The research will contribute towards our further understanding of the relationship between the media and the policy process.

3.   They must contribute towards constructing genuine communities, family values generating City values.

4.   Scientists are trying to find ways of reducing our dependence on energy sources that contribute towards global warming.

5.   A left-wing minority of the Greens wanted to avoid contributing towards FN electoral success by maintaining a Green candidate on the second ballot of elections.

6.   It was during the Autumn term that certain staff had responsibility for contributing towards the self-appraisal report.

7.   Not only were heads of department required to produce departmental appraisals but other staff had to contribute towards pastoral and other sections of the report.

v. + towards >>共 379
work 15.86%
contribute 5.56%
look 4.47%
gear 4.20%
flee 2.92%
push 2.58%
bias 2.17%
count 1.83%
move 1.69%
fire 1.63%
contribute + p. >>共 44
in 24.24%
towards 14.72%
from 10.23%
on 7.54%
as 6.46%
toward 6.46%
with 5.92%
by 5.21%
at 3.59%
through 3.05%
每页显示:    共 82