1.   Contractual arrangements should be made with respect to freelance workers and the ownership of the copyright in anything they produce.

2.   The US case means that the collection of information in many types of US-based databases can not be protected, except through contractual arrangements.

3.   Indeed, as we shall see, Chinese walls rely for their effectiveness on the extent to which contractual arrangements are effective.

4.   According to the collective bargaining agreement, all contractual arrangements must be put in writing.

5.   But here you have a contractual arrangement with a faith-based organization, just like a secular firm would have.

6.   Delta still has contractual arrangements with four other regional carriers.

7.   If companies like Millennium fail to produce, the contractual arrangement will simply wither.

8.   Merely qualifying for reimbursement requires mastery of a staggering number of contractual arrangements.

9.   The actual number of HMOs that employ doctors is relatively small, she added, because most use a contractual arrangement that precludes union organizing.

10.   But he said the contractual arrangements for magistrates could make them vulnerable to interference.

a. + arrangement >>共 901
new 8.28%
such 4.55%
similar 4.21%
financial 3.89%
special 3.21%
power-sharing 3.00%
living 2.09%
seating 1.59%
floral 1.55%
financing 1.37%
contractual 0.34%
contractual + n. >>共 150
obligation 21.47%
agreement 6.40%
relationship 4.52%
dispute 4.33%
right 3.77%
arrangement 2.82%
term 2.64%
issue 2.45%
duty 2.07%
provision 1.88%
每页显示:    共 15