1.   It seems reasonable to suppose that they should be, if the contentious area of imaginative literature is ruled out.

2.   One particularly contentious area in the field of health and safety is the valuation of human life itself.

3.   One contentious area where ethical controversies abound concerns genetic screening and the detection of high risk groups.

4.   Again this is another contentious area.

5.   And in the highly contentious area of civil service exams for police and fire departments, tests cannot predict such important traits as honesty and courage.

6.   Miss Abdela and Vasquez fall into a legal crevice known as the juvenile offender law, a contentious area among prosecutors, advocates for children and Albany legislators.

7.   The accord is the first to be reached in this contentious area in more than a year of negotiations.

8.   The contentious areas on health, human rights and environment moved toward adoption by the Main Committee.

9.   The more contentious area, however, is Florida, which accounts for about a quarter of domestic production.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
contentious 0.04%
contentious + n. >>共 333
issue 38.40%
debate 4.59%
relationship 3.27%
battle 1.76%
matter 1.19%
meeting 1.19%
one 1.19%
topic 1.13%
area 1.13%
provision 1.13%
每页显示:    共 18