1.   Also avoid tinned foods, because the phenolic resin that is used to line the tin can contaminate the food.

2.   Food producers do their best to make sure that food is not contaminated with any food poisoning organisms.

3.   I know the rats are a worry because they are so dangerous and can contaminate food.

4.   The food was contaminated during the production process.

5.   This drip could contain bacteria and contaminate other food.

6.   We regard them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good.

7.   We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases, or devour our crops.

8.   Also, excessive heat applied to a closed container can cause chemical gases to contaminate the food, according to the Food Safety and Inspection Service.

9.   And improperly handled raw beef can cross contaminate raw food with which it comes in contact.

10.   Berry says consumers misuse containers and wraps, which can contaminate food when heated.

v. + food >>共 800
eat 7.31%
buy 4.09%
bring 3.00%
have 2.98%
serve 2.96%
distribute 2.78%
provide 2.74%
deliver 2.47%
get 2.39%
cook 2.10%
contaminate 0.41%
contaminate + n. >>共 265
water 9.91%
food 4.64%
evidence 3.10%
area 2.94%
meat 2.48%
sample 2.32%
well 2.17%
soil 2.01%
product 2.01%
fish 1.70%
每页显示:    共 30