1.   The bank rate sets the trend for home, vehicle and other consumer loans.

2.   Also today, the Federal Reserve reported American banks, faced with rising loan defaults, continue to raise standards for extending credit card and other consumer loans.

3.   American General completed a makeover in July when it finished selling a land development business and some consumer loans including credit card debt and satellite dish loans.

4.   An increase in the packaging of consumer loans into marketable securities is an effort on the part of banks to spread the risk, it said.

5.   American General sells savings and life insurance products and makes consumer loans.

6.   An increase in the packaging of consumer loans into marketable securities is part of an effort by banks to spread the risk, the Fed said.

7.   Associates First makes home-equity, credit card, and other consumer loans.

8.   Bank stocks have also dropped in recent days because rising bond yields were seen by investors as hurting their profit margins and weakening demand for consumer loans and mortgages.

9.   Banks are taking increasing risks with consumer loans by relaxing their lending standards, a federal bank regulator said.

10.   Banks stocks would benefit if North American interest rates fell because lower rates increase demand for consumer loans and mortgages, boosting bank profits.

n. + loan >>共 373
bank 21.24%
low-interest 6.18%
problem 5.15%
equity 4.95%
car 4.92%
mortgage 4.58%
consumer 4.06%
auto 3.55%
business 3.23%
government 2.95%
consumer + n. >>共 520
confidence 10.82%
group 9.14%
price 6.98%
demand 6.76%
advocate 6.33%
product 4.03%
electronics 2.39%
market 2.14%
company 1.82%
sentiment 1.34%
loan 1.04%
每页显示:    共 141