1.   As she commented angrily to friends later, she could not see why Charles needed these constant reminders of Camilla.

2.   The inescapable presence of doubt is a constant reminder of our responsibility to truth in a twilight world of truth and half-truth.

3.   The presence of a bodyguard was a constant reminder of the invisible veil which separated her from her family and friends.

4.   The quadrant is a constant reminder of his limitations.

5.   Their victims stand as a constant reminder, both of their crimes, and of the reality they have tried to overturn.

6.   There are constant reminders that we, too, are animal beings and part of nature, not mere observers.

7.   ...a constant reminder of just how insignificant and inconsequential their lives were.

8.   The scar serves as a constant reminder of the accident.

9.   It is our aim, with constant reminders from to be vigilant at all times and constantly put safety and accident prevention in the forefront of employees minds.

10.   In many ways these two aims conflict, providing a constant reminder of the existence and importance of two opposing types of human behaviour.

a. + reminder >>共 382
constant 8.71%
painful 3.94%
stark 3.65%
grim 2.68%
daily 2.53%
vivid 2.46%
sobering 2.16%
only 1.79%
gentle 1.79%
sad 1.49%
constant + n. >>共 1171
pressure 3.14%
threat 2.79%
reminder 2.30%
stream 2.08%
companion 2.08%
contact 2.00%
presence 1.57%
fear 1.55%
attention 1.49%
pain 1.43%
每页显示:    共 116