1.   All applications will be considered on their own merits.

2.   I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job.

3.   In considering applications for planning permission, planning authorities will take into account the provisions of the development plan.

4.   The board took four off-sale licences in the locality into account when considering an application for a public house licence.

5.   This should be distinguished from the Appeal Committee which considers applications for leave to appeal.

6.   After a year we will sympathetically consider an application for reinstatement.

7.   Applicants would also have to exhaust legal remedies at home before applications would be considered.

8.   I trust you will bring the above to the attention of your committee when they meet to consider the application.

v. + application >>共 469
reject 6.91%
have 5.90%
submit 5.87%
file 5.80%
approve 4.03%
make 3.77%
accept 3.20%
process 3.02%
withdraw 2.78%
consider 2.50%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
application 0.64%
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