1.   Mulch plants each spring with straw to conserve moisture and keep weeds in check.

2.   To encourage a fuller hedge, increase the organic matter in the soil, water, then mulch to conserve soil moisture.

3.   -- Mulch beds to protect roots and conserve moisture.

4.   A good layer of mulch will help conserve soil moisture.

5.   Again, mulch will help by conserving soil moisture and keeping roots warm in winter and cooler in summer.

6.   Continue to mulch in the hot weather, to conserve moisture and keep the soil as cool as possible.

7.   Good soil and mulch will help conserve soil moisture.

8.   In times of drought, for example, they can stay closed for extended periods to conserve moisture.

9.   Mulch heavily, to conserve moisture and keep roots cool.

10.   Mulch maintains an even soil temperature, conserves moisture and prevents weeds.

v. + moisture >>共 165
draw 7.29%
absorb 6.93%
retain 5.99%
hold 3.64%
keep 3.64%
gather 3.29%
remove 3.06%
add 2.82%
trap 2.82%
need 2.82%
conserve 2.12%
conserve + n. >>共 141
energy 24.26%
water 13.96%
power 4.94%
cash 4.80%
fuel 3.67%
resource 2.96%
electricity 2.82%
moisture 2.54%
heat 1.97%
stock 1.97%
每页显示:    共 18