1.   Connect the cable to the battery.

2.   And they are to install two antennas for a communications system, connect more cables and place a sunshade over the Unity computers.

3.   Assuming, however, that the cable is in good condition, continue the maintenance inspection, but do not connect the cable to the plug yet.

4.   Be warned that setting up a three-piece system involves connecting more cables, though, and may not be convenient in tight quarters.

5.   After connecting the cables, Vinogradov moved around the capsule trying to find the leak caused by the accident.

6.   After connecting the cable, all I needed to do was pop the installation CD-ROM into the player and follow the onscreen instructions.

7.   Connect the cables in the case to the old drive, mount it in the case, and attach it to the computer.

8.   He said the instructions he was following turned out to be wrong, and he connected one cable earlier than he should have.

9.   If the cable is not connected to the box, see if you can pull it back to the box clamp.

10.   In a second spacewalk, two astronauts are to connect more cables and bolt down two aft support struts.

v. + cable >>共 249
use 5.05%
attach 4.69%
lay 4.45%
have 3.73%
connect 3.01%
cut 3.01%
reconnect 2.89%
disconnect 2.77%
install 2.53%
send 2.05%
connect + n. >>共 875
computer 3.16%
dot 2.82%
user 1.73%
people 1.47%
two 1.34%
customer 1.26%
city 1.17%
device 1.17%
cable 1.08%
incident 1.04%
每页显示:    共 25