1.   With each new concession, the Congolese authorities raised the stakes.

2.   A prominent human rights group, Asadho, alleged that Congolese authorities had tortured suspects into confessing, including forcing at least one person to execute a fellow detainee.

3.   Amega denied allegations by Congolese authorities and civilians that the investigators had tampered with the grave of a local chief in Mbandaka.

4.   Although Mobutu himself is dead, experts say Congolese authorities should still pursue funds in Switzerland belonging to the entire Mobutu family.

5.   Annan said operations would be halted until the Congolese authorities had explained why they took the action against Christopher Harland of Canada, a spokesman said in New York.

6.   Annan said operations would be halted until the Congolese authorities had explained why they took the action against Christopher Harland of Canada, a spokesman said.

7.   But others were picked up randomly and interned in detention camps, where Congolese authorities say they have been protected from revenge attacks.

8.   But the United Nations said Congolese authorities had repeatedly blocked their moves to start the probe.

9.   Congolese authorities have repeatedly blocked the U.N. mission from entering areas where massacres reportedly took place.

10.   Congolese authorities said dozens drowned trying to cross the Zaire-Congo river.

a. + authority >>共 463
local 10.39%
federal 4.32%
chinese 3.29%
russian 2.74%
french 2.29%
israeli 2.11%
military 1.82%
serb 1.71%
german 1.66%
palestinian 1.48%
congolese 0.14%
congolese + n. >>共 181
rebel 21.03%
government 12.66%
capital 6.45%
official 6.14%
soldier 5.22%
army 3.68%
authority 3.30%
leader 2.38%
opposition 1.69%
president 1.53%
每页显示:    共 43