1.   But there is scope for competitive bidding in less ambitious projects.

2.   Competitive bidding by buyers will push the price up toward the equilibrium level.

3.   Its new approach of competitive bidding has already galvanized towns and cities into bringing forward imaginative proposals for regeneration.

4.   New York publishers echo accusations of a conflict of interest in the choice of Knopf without prior competitive bidding.

5.   No prices are written down and there is no competitive bidding.

6.   The agreement was cancelled because it should have been put out to competitive bidding.

7.   We will continue to extend City Challenge and allocate a greater proportion of resources by competitive bidding.

8.   Contracting work out to private suppliers may reduce costs to a public agency which nevertheless controls the standard of service to the public through the mechanisms of competitive bidding.

9.   Among themselves, they repeated tales of threats to small blenders, and some vitamin customers complained about a lack of competitive bidding.

10.   Among other solutions, Falkenrath of Harvard suggests that the government throw open the process to competitive bidding.

a. + bidding >>共 119
competitive 36.00%
open 5.78%
public 5.11%
international 4.67%
olympic 4.00%
new 2.89%
intense 2.00%
aggressive 1.33%
second 1.33%
failed 0.89%
competitive + n. >>共 967
advantage 5.19%
edge 5.19%
market 5.15%
pressure 3.82%
bidding 2.68%
price 2.44%
environment 1.93%
disadvantage 1.93%
race 1.62%
industry 1.52%
每页显示:    共 161