1.   Japanese companies have been pumping out plenty of innovative products.

2.   As a result, Russian companies are now pumping more oil.

3.   But King said the company will not pump any more this winter than it usually does and much of the snow will melt into the rivers.

4.   But video content, the kind that old-media companies pump out endlessly, will clearly be the source of Internet traffic growth in the future.

5.   It helplessly receives whatever the networks and cable companies pump into its head.

6.   Most of the increase in oil company profits, however, came from selling crude oil that the companies pumped out of the ground.

7.   Neither Ozzie nor IBM will say how much the computer company will pump into Rhythmix.

8.   Oil companies pumped oil from Native American land without reporting it.

9.   Since Japanese oil companies pump almost none of their own oil, they must purchase all the raw materials from abroad for refined products.

10.   Software industry earnings peak late in the cycle, when companies are pumping out games for all platforms.

n. + pump >>共 259
heart 6.05%
government 5.86%
company 3.59%
music 2.27%
crew 2.08%
water 2.08%
investor 1.89%
worker 1.89%
man 1.51%
leg 1.32%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
pump 0.02%
每页显示:    共 19