1.   The holding company will also be a major shareholder in each wholesale IT company operating in each country.

2.   But is has so far permitted the import of a single mineral from North Korea and licensed only one US company to operate there.

3.   Total is one of the first world oil companies to operate in the UAE and is now among the top investors in the Emirates.

4.   Jin suggested some tax incentives will be allowed to stay for foreign companies already operating in China.

v. + operate >>共 98
license 10.11%
use 6.74%
be 6.18%
apply 3.93%
have 2.81%
company 2.25%
cost 2.25%
include 2.25%
keep 2.25%
say 2.25%
company + v. >>共 78
offer 4.08%
operate 4.08%
originate 3.06%
charge 2.04%
enter 2.04%
buy 2.04%
do 2.04%
face 2.04%
control 2.04%
have 2.04%
每页显示:    共 4