1.   And on the flagship cola brands, both companies need to reverse flat sales by returning to the basics of the business.

2.   A tantalizing prospect for a man who just months before had launched the Virgin cola brand, going head to head with Coca-Cola Co. and Pepsico Inc.

3.   A tantalizing prospect for a man who just months before had launched the Virgin cola brand.

4.   But, by far, the biggest problem for both Pepsi and Coke stems from their core cola brands.

5.   To that end, Pepsi is planning to introduce a lemon version of its cola and diet cola brands, called Pepsi Twist.

6.   Young Indians no longer consider it fashionable to drink tea and prefer to be seen sipping cola brands such as Pepsi and Coca Cola.

n. + brand >>共 304
cigarette 5.99%
premium 5.43%
luxury 4.77%
flagship 4.21%
store 3.66%
beer 3.33%
hotel 2.88%
consumer 2.55%
core 2.33%
discount 2.11%
colon 0.67%
colon + n. >>共 93
cancer 65.78%
surgery 5.59%
war 4.26%
cell 1.46%
screening 1.20%
polyp 1.07%
exam 0.93%
risk 0.93%
brand 0.80%
drink 0.67%
每页显示:    共 6