1.   Of course it goes without saying that the aquarium glass must always be perfectly clean for best results.

2.   George and Tony Sabin have been keeping the streets of Stow-on-the-Wold in the Cotswolds clean for the past three years.

3.   She says her mother had difficulty getting them clean for many years.

4.   Blame is loaded onto the ex-president, so the slate is clean for the new head of state.

5.   By what sick logic do judges award babies as trophies to irresponsible addicts who manage to stay clean for three months?

6.   He had been clean for more than two months after falling in front of a subway train and smashing his right foot.

7.   He has been clean for two years after completing a nine-month rehabilitation program but was tied up in red tape for three months after his signing.

8.   He has been clean for five years.

9.   He is now proud to say that he has been clean for three years.

10.   Hell has been clean for more than a decade.

a. + for >>共 863
available 10.91%
set 3.36%
unavailable 2.96%
positive 2.27%
difficult 1.91%
prepared 1.88%
famous 1.75%
important 1.68%
open 1.62%
bad 1.56%
clean 0.05%
clean + p. >>共 31
up 21.82%
of 19.74%
as 12.47%
for 9.09%
with 6.75%
through 3.90%
by 3.64%
in 3.38%
on 3.12%
after 1.82%
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