1.   Also inspect the seam between the clay flue liner and the chimney and reseal with mortar or caulk as needed.

2.   A clay liner is not recommended for a gas burner.

3.   A standard clay liner is difficult to install.

4.   I asked him about the clay liner.

5.   I was told a clay liner is OK.

6.   Q. My chimney sweep told me my old clay flue liner is cracked with some holes, and suggested installing a stainless steel liner.

7.   The water vapor produced by burning gas condenses inside the flue and creates acids that can eat into the clay liner.

n. + liner >>共 81
ocean 30.04%
luxury 14.57%
cruise 12.78%
flue 4.04%
passenger 2.91%
lip 2.24%
bed 2.02%
bin 2.02%
paper 1.57%
clay 1.57%
clay + n. >>共 223
court 15.49%
pot 8.46%
tournament 5.49%
soil 4.62%
specialist 4.07%
surface 3.19%
title 2.64%
tile 2.53%
event 2.42%
season 1.87%
liner 0.77%
每页显示:    共 7