1.   Both events sent black liberals and traditional civil rights groups into peals of yelping.

2.   Civil rights groups also reacted positively to the changes, but Sinn Fein seemed unimpressed.

3.   Civil rights groups have vowed to fight the changes.

4.   Civil rights groups pleaded for government help.

5.   His father, also a lawyer, used his legal expertise to help civil rights groups.

6.   The election results were a disappointment to civil rights groups.

7.   Civil rights groups have complained about the harsh treatment of prisoners.

8.   His actions provoked severe criticism from civil rights groups.

9.   That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.

10.   During his tenure he was accused by many civil rights groups of not being sufficiently conscientious in enforcing anti-discrimination legislation.

a. + group >>共 680
militant 5.43%
small 4.11%
islamic 3.72%
environmental 3.57%
ethnic 3.46%
terrorist 2.12%
the 2.11%
religious 1.85%
armed 1.77%
paramilitary 1.68%
civil_rights 0.66%
civil_rights + n. >>共 238
movement 14.70%
group 13.26%
leader 13.17%
activist 6.00%
law 5.11%
advocate 3.76%
violation 3.26%
organization 3.17%
lawyer 2.57%
era 1.67%
每页显示:    共 441