1.   At that point, G.H. Palmer Associates agreed to pay a civil fine to settle the case.

2.   At the same time that police can go after illegal sales, state inspectors are allowed to levy civil fines after conducting undercover sting operations with teen-age buyers.

3.   Also, the court agreed to decide whether double jeopardy may be involved when federal agencies seek both criminal prosecution and civil fines against defendants accused of misconduct.

4.   Clients or lobbyists who break the disclosure law can be subject to thousands of dollars in civil fines or, in very rare instances, criminal penalties.

5.   Clinton instructed states to increase inspections of repeat offenders, and to impose civil fines for each instance of serious or chronic violations.

6.   Critics such as Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy, a Democrat, maintain the measure would shield employers from civil fines and other penalties.

7.   Federal officials said they could also impose civil fines and other penalties on HMOs that send misinformation to beneficiaries.

8.   He also could risk a hefty civil fine from the FEC or, worse yet, denial of the federal matching funds for which he has already qualified.

9.   He may decide to pursue criminal prosecutions or seek civil fines.

10.   If the call was a prank, he said, the perpetrator could face civil fines.

a. + fine >>共 271
heavy 13.37%
hefty 7.18%
stiff 6.85%
just 4.44%
small 3.52%
possible 3.39%
civil 3.26%
large 2.61%
largest 2.02%
huge 1.96%
civil + n. >>共 473
suit 9.17%
aviation 8.87%
lawsuit 7.21%
case 5.90%
unrest 5.11%
society 5.10%
trial 4.04%
court 3.63%
union 2.43%
strife 2.40%
fine 0.75%
每页显示:    共 50