1.   Then they plodded round a circular mill, crushing the cider apples.

2.   Cider apples, often of small diameter, blotchy and unattractive, are too sour to be eaten with pleasure.

3.   European ciders have long been made with bittersweet and bitter-sharp cider apples, most of which are hard and inedible.

n. + apple >>共 51
heirloom 6.41%
cider 5.13%
year 5.13%
dessert 3.85%
candy 3.85%
road 3.85%
juice 3.85%
soda 3.85%
crystal 2.56%
day 2.56%
cider + n. >>共 32
maker 18.52%
apple 7.41%
mill 5.56%
producer 5.56%
sale 5.56%
industry 3.70%
orchard 3.70%
press 3.70%
sorbet 3.70%
business 1.85%
每页显示:    共 4