1.   Advice on diet is offered and the child receives abdominal massage, anti-constipation exercises, and hydrotherapy from a physiotherapist.

2.   All the children will receive a small gift.

3.   And the child accidentally receives a greater and potentially harmful dosage of pain reliever.

4.   Are these the partnership circumstances in which we want children to receive nursery education?

5.   Every child received a beautiful gift from the company.

6.   Every child will receive a certificate at the end of the course.

7.   Half the children received shots designed to provide immunity to seven allergens such as dust mites and pollens.

8.   In effect, no two children ever receive the same experimental treatment.

n. + receive >>共 1000
company 3.61%
police 1.98%
patient 1.72%
family 1.72%
worker 1.57%
group 1.47%
player 1.46%
child 1.45%
official 1.41%
people 1.41%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
come 1.17%
live 1.16%
receive 0.91%
每页显示:    共 205