1.   A trauma such as a fire can upset a child for months.

2.   Alfred beat his children for even the smallest misdemeanour.

3.   Ask your child for a tour of his favorite Internet sites.

4.   Dillon is the poster child for wasted talent.

5.   Director Jafar Panahi clearly loves children for what they are, big mouths and all.

6.   He suffered from allergies, like his great-uncle Theodore Roosevelt, and was a sickly child for much of his early years.

7.   Parents play a crucial role in preparing their children for adult life.

8.   Sally was mad at the children for making so much noise.

9.   Schools should do more to prepare children for the world of work.

10.   The baby bulge birth cohorts have been of an age to have children for some time.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
child 0.08%
child + p. >>共 92
in 22.55%
of 15.96%
with 10.12%
from 9.82%
to 8.60%
at 4.15%
on 3.78%
for 3.67%
by 2.24%
as 2.14%
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