1.   Chew your food.

2.   He chewed his food by using his hand to move his jaw.

3.   He chewed the food slowly and carefully.

4.   The horse softens food before swallowing by chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jaw.

5.   The sound of her mouth chewing the food.

6.   Be certain to eat slowly and chew your food extremely well.

7.   Savour the flavour of each mouthful, and chew your food well.

8.   Chew your food well before you swallow.

9.   We were taught to chew our food thoroughly before swallowing.

10.   Finlayson chewed his food while he thought.

v. + food >>共 800
eat 7.31%
buy 4.09%
bring 3.00%
have 2.98%
serve 2.96%
distribute 2.78%
provide 2.74%
deliver 2.47%
get 2.39%
cook 2.10%
chew 0.36%
chew + n. >>共 132
tobacco 17.23%
gum 14.99%
food 5.82%
fat 4.47%
leaf 3.80%
scenery 3.58%
cud 3.13%
way 2.68%
lip 2.24%
nail 1.79%
每页显示:    共 26