1.   Americans may have outgrown celebrity endorsers.

2.   And last week he leapt even closer to the fickle, white-hot light of the big time, making his debut as a celebrity endorser.

3.   And that, marketing experts agree, really is the main reason behind using celebrity endorsers.

4.   As soon as a celebrity endorser encounters trouble, marketers usually do what they can to distance themselves from the star.

5.   But until now, celebrity endorsers had never actually broken into song about it.

6.   Can celebrity endorsers be far behind?

7.   Celebrity endorsers.

8.   Cattrall, a Nikon celebrity endorser, was interviewed by satellite from a photography contest sponsored by Nikon.

9.   High profile ads touted its roster of celebrity endorsers, who included Paula Abdul and Michael Jackson.

10.   If nobody else, at least the folks who make Rogaine have to be happy with their celebrity endorser.

n. + endorser >>共 5
celebrity 60.71%
product 28.57%
equipment 3.57%
figurehead 3.57%
marquee 3.57%
celebrity + n. >>共 672
status 8.21%
chef 3.13%
guest 2.54%
endorsement 2.07%
tournament 1.80%
culture 1.64%
interview 1.59%
client 1.54%
author 0.95%
endorser 0.90%
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