1.   He moved between the dead and the living, attending each through the Catholic rite called the Anointing of the Sick.

2.   Korean Catholic services include ritual bowing as well as the universal Catholic rites.

3.   Most santero orders require believers to be baptized in the Catholic church, and followers mingle some Catholic rites with beliefs brought to Cuba by African slaves or freemen.

4.   This mass is often called acculturation because it blends the cultural elements of the Dayak people and Catholic rites.

a. + rite >>共 193
religious 12.71%
annual 11.23%
eastern 5.72%
ancient 4.03%
traditional 2.97%
sacred 2.54%
hindu 1.91%
tribal 1.91%
old 1.48%
christian 1.27%
catholic 0.85%
catholic + n. >>共 718
school 7.78%
priest 6.70%
area 3.17%
neighborhood 2.85%
bishop 2.56%
leader 2.44%
church 2.32%
community 1.55%
country 1.51%
protester 1.45%
rite 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4